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The Dangers of Severe Weather on Your Roof

roofer-admin • Dec 20, 2022

It’s no secret that severe weather can be a major hazard. One of the most common targets of severe weather is your roof. A bad storm can easily cause extensive damage to your roof, which can lead to costly repairs down the road. In this blog post, we will discuss the dangers of severe weather on your roof and how to protect yourself from potential damage.

Every Season Has Its Risks

Every season has challenges when it comes to protecting your roof. In the winter, heavy snow and ice can weigh down your roof structure, leading to sagging and leaks. The spring brings strong winds that can tear off shingles or dislodge flashing. Summer storms bring lightning strikes and hail, which can cause serious damage to roofing materials. Finally, autumn brings torrential rains that can clog your gutters and cause flooding in your attic.


The winters in the Triad of North Carolina can be especially challenging for your roof. Heavy snow can weigh down your roof structure and cause sagging, while ice dams can form in the gutters and prevent proper drainage of melting snow. To protect your roof from winter damage, you should regularly inspect it to ensure that it is clear of debris and properly maintained. You should also make sure to have adequate insulation installed to help keep the attic warm.


Hailstorms can be especially dangerous for your roof. Hail is made up of round balls of ice that are usually caused by thunderstorms or hurricanes. When these pieces of ice fall with tremendous force, they have the potential to cause serious damage to most roofing materials, including asphalt shingles and metal roofs.

Heavy Rain

Heavy rains can also be a major hazard to your roof. When the amount of rainfall exceeds what your gutters and drains can handle, water will begin to pool up on your roof and eventually make its way into your attic. This can cause leaks, stains, and even mold growth in the worst cases.

Wind Damage

High winds are another common threat when it comes to severe weather. Gusts of wind that exceed 60 mph can easily tear off shingles or dislodge flashing from your roof. This can lead to serious water damage if left untreated.

Heat Waves

Heat waves are also a potential danger to your roof. When the temperatures spike, it can cause asphalt shingles to become brittle and cracked. This leaves them vulnerable to water damage from rain or snow.

Protection Against Severe Weather Damage

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to protect your roof from severe weather damage. Regular maintenance is key—inspect your roof at least twice a year for signs of wear and tear, and be sure to clean out gutters and drains regularly in order to ensure proper drainage during heavy rains. Additionally, investing in quality roofing materials can make a big difference when it comes to withstanding severe weather conditions. Finally, if you live in an area that’s prone to extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes or tornadoes, investing in storm shutters and other protective measures can further increase the longevity of your roof.

Inspect Your Roof After Severe Weather

It’s always a good idea to inspect your roof after a severe weather event. Look out for missing or broken shingles or cracked flashing around vents and chimneys. Be sure to check your gutters as well – clogged gutters can lead to water pooling on the roof, which can eventually cause leaks. If you notice any signs of damage, don’t hesitate to call a professional roofing contractor like Crossover Roofing.

Be Prepared in Severe Weather Conditions: Call Crossover Roofing

Taking care of your roof is essential to protecting and maintaining your home. Pay attention to weather forecasts and take proactive steps such as regular maintenance and investing in quality materials. If you do experience severe weather damage, be sure to have it inspected by a professional right away in order to avoid further damage. Following these tips can help you protect your roof from potential damage and maintain its longevity for years to come.

When it comes to protecting your roof from severe weather, you can never be too prepared. At Crossover Roofing, we specialize in providing quality roofing services for properties in the Triad of North Carolina. We work with a variety of roofing materials and can provide custom solutions to protect your home from severe weather conditions. Don’t wait until the storm is over to call us — contact us today for more information on how we can help you prepare your roof for any season.

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